AS²/Arch Payment utility

Streamline payments to suppliers and ensure full control over the payment process. Ensure that discounts/rebates due, are claimed.

Key features

Product Documentation

AS²/Arch Payment Utility - Datasheet

Product Overview

Do you want to streamline payments to suppliers and ensure full control over payments and claim discounts rebates due ?

Setup multiple discount / rebate types per supplier (Sage Evolution only allows 1 discount type). Different discount types are especially prevalent in the Retail or Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industries.

The utility gives you the ability to process Foreign Currency transactions which is not currently possible in Sage Evolution.

The utility allows you to easily reprint or email a supplier remittance advice.

Payments to suppliers can be integrated with Netcash/SagePay. Other banks to follow shortly.

  • Easy navigation in the Utility, several filters have been added to make data selection easier.
  • Have the ability to export payment batches to Microsoft Excel.
  • Remittances can be printed per supplier / per store / per entity.
  • Print 1 Supplier remittance for the whole batch e.g. Agent environments.
  • A message can be set up to be included in the body of the email when remittances are mailed to suppliers.
  • Remittance emails can be configured to use a global signature or per user  signature.
  • Summary Batch reports can be printed – batch total / per supplier / per entity.
  • Web-based application, access it from anywhere.
  • The Utility integrates into Sage Evolution. Transactions and allocations on suppliers are posted to the Sage Evolution database(s).
  • Online Branch Accounting and payments on behalf of entities can be made in the Utility, using Loan accounts per entity
  • Payments can be integrated with Netcash/SagePay. Other banks to follow shortly.
  • Email notifications are sent should the discount/rebate structure change on a supplier.
  • Attach any supporting documentation to a Supplier Discount Type or Payment Batch.
  • Foreign Currency payments and remittance can be used in the Utility. A currency validation check has been included to ensure that foreign currency payments are not made outside of the allowed range. 
  • Handle multiple suppliers per store
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Filling season opens on the 1st of April 2020 to submit your EMP 501 information. Book your spot now for an effortless submission.