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Support Information
When sending a support request, always include the email.

Accounting Products

Payroll Products

Additional Notes:

  1. All requests are billable. This applies to onsite, remote,telephone, and any electronic mediasupport(email,Microsoft Teams, etc.).
  2. The client acknowledges that any person contacting AS2 has obtained the required internal approval for liaisingwith usbefore contacting us. The client will be liable for work done per our fee schedule.
  3. All rates are applicable from Monday (08:00–17:00) to Friday (08:00–16:00)
  4. Payments for services must be made as and when services are provided and are payable on thepresentation of atax invoice. Payment must reflect in our bank account within 48 (FORTY-EIGHT) hoursunless terms have beenagreed upon in writing by AS2.
  5. All prices are VAT exclusive
  6. Consultation services are charged on a time and material basisunlessotherwise stipulated.
  7. Cancellation of appointments: Appointments canceled less than 24 hoursbeforean appointment will result in acancellation fee being levied; the fee will be two hours of the relevant consultant’s rate.
  8. Escalation: On 1st January of each year, our standard prevailing rates of AS² shall be adjusted in accordance withthe Consumer Price Index (CPI) and up to+ 5%.
  9. AS2reserves the right to charge interest on overdue accounts. (Prime plus 2.5%)

    Please review our Terms and Conditions at the following link


Filling season opens on the 1st of April 2020 to submit your EMP 501 information. Book your spot now for an effortless submission.